Pocket Pantry

Adobe Creative Jam
Product Development
2 Weeks in October 2020
Project Overview
Pocket Pantry offers single parents the opportunity to connect and share resources through the community page, save recipes and locations for easy access, and quickly find and obtain food products to provide for their family.
The Challenge
The challenge was to design and develop a mobile phone app in 2 weeks within a group setting that empowers a specific audience to help improve the part of the chain of food collection and distribution. The app must provide a mode of measurement and service to a single or multiple systems.
Teammates @hannalucid & @mackiewoodsdesign
Sponsored by Adobe Creative Jam & SoDA.
Video Prototype
Through this project: Research, Prototyping, Motion Graphics, and Meeting Coordinator. I had to set up several meetings throughout the course of 2 weeks before the deadline of the contest.


  • Research
    Market Research
    User Interface

  • Illustrations
    User Experience

Research & Process

Hunger was already on the rise prior to COVID-19 which estimates that the number of undernourished increased from 624 million people in 2014 to 688 million in 2019.

For 1 in 7 Adults with children, household lacked sufficient food in the last 7 days.

Adults in households with children were likelier to report that the household didn’t get enough to eat compared to households without children.

  • Single Parents ages between 26-40's
  • Low Income Families
  • Healthy Food Choices
  • Food Banks and Community help

We ended up going with colors that represent fresh groceries. Orange for warmth and happiness while greens for health and healing. We thought Poppins was a playful, clean, and unique to the app.

The App

Key Points

  • Easy to add ingredients
  • Multiple Choices for Places
  • Food Delivery and Pick Up Service on your time
  • Community Reach
  • Organized and Automatic Grocery List

The Artwork

I made all the veggies displayed in the app in Adobe Illustrator and used brushes and types of shading to keep that playful, clean, healthy mood to the app.